UrBIOfuture Project – KICK OFF Meeting in Barcelona, Spain
The UrBIOFuture a BBI JU – H2020 Project has started in May with the Kick-Off Meeting celebrated in Barcelona city. In this meeting, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Coordinator of this project, explained the management on the first stage, the next actions and how all the partners can achieve the success on the development of their tasks.
The consortium presented the Work Packages (WP) tasks description and the objectives of each of them, the planning for the next months and, the first deliverables to be submitted to the European Commission. Moreover, the project partners discussed about the strategy to have a good coordination in the development of each task and how this one-year project will achieve its main objectives and its positive impacts in the European bioeconomy field.
Moreover, in the second day of this meeting, the Consortium, the working group and the industrial expert group could participate in focus group activities to define the strategies and synergies on this bioeconomy project.
UrBIOFuture project wants to inspire the bioeconomy education in Europe being the example to follow in this area.