The UrBIOfuture project carried out an exploration to identify educational programmes related to the biobased industry. This search tool shows those found at a glance! If you want to include any other programme or make changes to the existing ones, please, fill in this form.

Name of the Institution Country of Institution Name of the Educational Programmes Type of Programmes Does the programme involve in-company training activities? Level of Educational Programmes
IES Narcís Monturiol Spain Industrial Chemistry Superior Technician On-site class YES VET - Vocational Education and Training
IES Baix Montseny Spain Industrial Chemistry Superior Technician On-site class YES VET - Vocational Education and Training
IES de Terrassa Spain Industrial Chemistry Superior Technician On-site class YES VET - Vocational Education and Training
Centro Público Integrado de Formación Profesional CORONA DE ARAGÓN Spain Industrial Chemistry Superior Technician On-site class YES VET - Vocational Education and Training
Instituto de Educación Secundaria MANUEL GUTIERREZ ARAGON Spain Industrial Chemistry Superior Technician On-site class YES VET - Vocational Education and Training
IES de Guissona Spain Processes and Quality in Food Industry Superior Technician On-site class No information available VET - Vocational Education and Training
Instituto de Educación Secundaria SAN JOSE Spain Processes and Quality in Food Industry Superior Technician On-site class No information available VET - Vocational Education and Training
Instituto de Educación Secundaria SANTIAGO APOSTOL Spain Processes and Quality in Food Industry Superior Technician On-site class No information available VET - Vocational Education and Training
IES Josep Vallverdú Spain Processes and Quality in Food Industry Superior Technician On-site class No information available VET - Vocational Education and Training
Illa dels Banyols Spain Processes and Quality in Food Industry Superior Technician On-site class No information available VET - Vocational Education and Training