The UrBIOfuture project carried out an exploration to identify educational programmes related to the biobased industry. This search tool shows those found at a glance! If you want to include any other programme or make changes to the existing ones, please, fill in this form.

Name of the Institution Country of Institution Name of the Educational Programmes Type of Programmes Does the programme involve in-company training activities? Level of Educational Programmes
Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II Italy Bioeconomy in the Circular Economy On-site class YES Master
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro Italy Scienze agro-ambientali e territoriali On-site class NO Master
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro Italy Biotecnologie Industriali ed Ambientali On-site class YES Master
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro Italy Biotecnologie per la qualità e la sicurezza dell'alimentazione On-site class YES Master
Università di Foggia Italy Gestione e Controllo della Qualità nella Filiera Ittica – GeCoQuaFi – a.a. 2018/2019 On-site class YES Master
University College Cork Ireland BSc (Hons) Biological and Chemical Sciences On-site class YES Undergraduate
Trinity College Dublin Ireland B.A. (moderatorship) Biochemistry: Biological and Biomedical Sciences On-site class No information available Undergraduate
University of Limerick Ireland B.E. (Hons) in Chemical & Biochemical Engineering On-site class YES Undergraduate
University of Limerick Ireland BSc (Hons) in in Industrial Biochemistry On-site class YES Undergraduate
Institute of Technology Carlow Ireland Higher Certificate Science in Applied Biology or Applied Chemistry On-site class NO Undergraduate