Bioeconomy Joint Event and Training Workshops Sherpack-UrBIOfuture
The UrBIOfuture consortium partner Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) held the Bioeconomy Joint Event and Training Workshops Sherpack-UrBIOfuture on June 3. Initially planned as a physical event, it was turned into an online session due to COVID19 restrictions.
The session brought together 12 speakers and around 50 attendees with very different backgrounds from the industry, private and public research centres, as well of the University that are or would like to start working in bioeconomy and circular economy, to exchange ideas and experiences and thus promote a fast track to a more sustainable industrial production.
Among the speakers were our project coordinator Aleix Barrera, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, who spoke about Boosting future careers, education and research activities in the European bio-based industry and Gioacchino Schifino, from CNR, who talked about the UrBIOfuture Experience.